Now there is no panacea for diminishing gold reserves& no handy cure-all for what is often a symptom of economic distress. 目前,并没有什么灵丹妙药可以阻止黄金储备的日渐萎缩&这通常是经济不景气的症状,但确实无药可医。
This has spurred fears that other European countries struggling with high debts, particularly Italy, Spain, and Portugal, might also sell some gold reserves. 这促使投资者担心其他债台高筑的欧元区国家可能也会抛售部分黄金储备,尤其是意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙。
And, if the current depression is prolonged, there will be more and more such arguments, for in the darkness of hard times is the hour of great argument about gold reserves. 如果当前的大萧条持续发展,势必会出现越来越多类似的争论。因为在困难时期,黄金储备总是能引发巨大的争论。
And a common artificial respirator of gold reserves among perhaps half-dozen leading countries is the raised rediscount rate. 在发达国家中,为了保住黄金储备,约有六个国家采取了提高再贴现率的人为措施。
Such restrictions serve to protect a country's foreign exchange and gold reserves. 这类限制旨在保护一个国家的外汇和黄金储备。
Eugene Kim, senior investment officer at the bank, said its gold reserves were small relative to its peers. 韩国央行高级投资官eugenekim表示,与其他央行相比,韩国央行的黄金储备规模较小。
We divided the gold reserves held by central bank with the currency in circulation of that country. 我们的黄金储备分为由中央银行与流通中现金的该国。
Most of our gold reserves have drained away to foreign countries. 我国大部分的黄金准备金已流往国外。
Gold reserves in the western mountains and White Marble marble, and rich reserves. 西部山内蕴藏金矿和汉白玉大理石,且储量丰富。
Venezuelan officials on Monday denied that the decision to repatriate gold reserves was motivated by a mounting debt burden with China. 委内瑞拉官员周一否认将海外黄金储备运回国内的决定是由对中国的债务负担加重所致。
On relation between gold reserves and financial security amid ongoing financial crisis 论金融危机下黄金储备与金融安全的关系
They don't want to see other countries turning to gold reserves instead of the U. 他们试图弱化黄金作为国际储备货币的功能。
China's increased gold reserves will thus act as a model and lead other countries towards reserving more gold. 中国增持黄金将为其他国家转向储备黄金起到示范与引导的作用。
There is clear evidence among some emerging countries, notably Russia and China, that they want to build up their gold reserves, he says. 有清楚证据表明,一些新兴国家(特别是俄罗斯和中国)希望积累黄金储备,他表示。
Foreign currency and gold reserves were drained. 外汇和黄金储备日益枯竭。
More recently, India, Saudi Arabia, Russia and the Philippines have announced big additions to their official gold reserves, while others, from Sri Lanka to Bangladesh, have made smaller purchases. 后来,印度、沙特阿拉伯、俄罗斯和菲律宾都宣布大幅增加了官方黄金储备,而斯里兰卡和孟加拉国等其它国家也购入了少量黄金。
Unusually for a central bank, Libya held its gold reserves of 144 tonnes inside the country. 利比亚在国内拥有144吨黄金储备,对于一家央行而言,这非同寻常。
Market observers believe Tehran has been one of the biggest buyers of bullion over the past decade after China, Russia and India, and is among the 20 largest holders of gold reserves. 市场观察人士认为,伊朗是过去十年除中国、俄罗斯和印度之外,黄金的最大买主之一,目前黄金储量位居全球前20。
Ten years ago today the UK Treasury sent gold prices tumbling when it announced it would sell a chunk of its gold reserves. 10年前,英国财政部宣布将售出一部分黄金储备,引起金价大跌。
The SNB's large reserves will increase confidence in the Swiss franc as a hard currency – just as the German mark was supported in the past by the Bundesbank's foreign exchange and gold reserves. 瑞士央行庞大的外汇储备规模,将增强投资者对瑞郎作为硬通货的信心。当初,德国央行的外汇及黄金储备,也为德国马克提供了支撑。
This meant that all currency was issued and controlled by the national governments, although they still maintained gold reserves to support their currencies. 这个意味着所有的货币都由国家政府来印发和控制,尽管金本位依然是用来支撑货币的。
When USA's gold reserves were running down, this could not go on. 当美国的黄金储备,这可能不下去了。
What could keep an individual nation from losing all its gold reserves to other countries? 怎样才能使一个国家的全部黄金储备不会流失到别的国家去呢?
After a while, constantly accumulating foreign exchange and gold reserves becomes inconvenient. 经过一段时间以后,不断积累的外汇和黄金储备就会成为累赘。
Therefore, China should increase gold reserves so as to support the internationalization of RMB. 因此,我国应该增加黄金储备以支持人民币国际化。
This paper mainly analyzes and calculates the required RMB gold reserves in these three phases. 本文重点分析并计算了这三个阶段人民币国际化所需要的黄金储备量。
China should increase the gold reserves as a safeguard and strengthen the international co-operation between the main gold markets. 我国需要增加黄金储备作为保障,还需要加强和国际间主要黄金市场之间的合作。